Success Stories

Dr. Rosen’s program helped us transform our practice.

When I started the program, we averaged $15-$25 per visit. Within 6 months we are at $95/visit.

I used to give away visit 1 and 2. We are now $250-$500/visit and we are waitlisted! We are 100% internal referrals, 0 advertising. We have nearly a 100% sign up rate and our PVA went from very low to over 80. Thank you Dr. Rosen!

0 advertising, not in phone book 100% internal referrals

- Dr. Andre Camelli

I have to say that coaching with Dr. Rosen has been one of the single best decisions I have made in my life. In my belief that the interconnectedness of things are undeniable, all the positive changes that have occurred in my practice and my life stem from our work together.

With your steady guiding hand you’ve allowed me to get the most from myself and, in turn, all others around me. Your coaching-style, mentoring and friendship have helped me want to be a better person, father, husband, son, chiropractor and friend.

-Michael Acanfora, D.C.​Bayonne, NJ

Brock McCurdy

Barcelona, Spain

"Been using this system for 9 months and love the Care vs. Scare model. This process has really helped my Team to work together to grow the practice and has taken a lot of stress off of my shoulders. It is now rare that someone does not want to bring in their family after visit 1 and 2 which is very different from before. In 5 months we went from 35 per day to 60 per day. Things are now solid and congruent!"

Misty Thorne

Chislenhurst, England

“He has really helped me with my confidence, getting my point across, keeping on time and my PVA!"

Jodi Dinnerman

Founder of SEWP

"Here is what I love most about Dr. Rosen. He makes you feel like you can do anything… everyone of my ideas I have had Dr. Rosen has supported me to go get vs. shooting them down! Double thumbs up!!"

Dr. Rosen, I wanted to thank you for helping me in so many different ways in helping to grow my practice!

You are always talking about headspace and procedure. I wanted to share a particular win when it comes to headspace…

I was talking to another client of yours and I told him that now if someone were to complain about the cost of my care, I would seriously laugh in their face. I really wouldn’t but you know what I mean, it would not affect me. I used to cringe if someone said it was expensive. He wondered how I could be so confident, and I said because the work we do is giving them a new brain and you could not spend your money on anything better than that, in my opinion.

Then, I saw a patient yesterday, who started with NRT, and has done a lot of QNRT. Her husband was murdered 35 years ago, and this work has helped her so much! But her daughter told me, and she told me before that she is a tight wad, hates spending money! Then we were going over her EEG, and I told her that I am glad she has felt so much better with QNRT but there is more work to do based on the EEG, she needs more QNRT and neurofeedback. She looked at me and said, “I am doing whatever you say and I don’t even care what it costs” and she had a big smile on her face! I was not worried at all about her being a tight wad, I was just going to tell her what she needs and she can decide what she wants!

Thanks for helping me ditch the worry I had, wondering if people could afford it, or if they thought it was expensive! You also helped me get very clear on how valuable my work is and what my job is. Tell them what they need, not what I think they can afford! I was wasting energy before on that thought pattern that I can now put into serving my clients better!

Thanks so much!

Addy Kinser, RN, Certified QNRT practitioner

To say that Russ Rosen has one of the greatest minds in chiropractic is an understatement. The way that he processes information, assimilates it, and formulates it into solutions for his clients is simply outstanding. I continue to be mesmerized by his commitment to bettering the profession of Chiropractic, the depth at which he is willing to push, and the truths that he offers his clients. Thank you Russ, it is an honor to work with you.

If you wanna learn how to be a great communicator so that your people truly understand your purpose with them and how you will lead them follow Dr. Russ Rosen lead he is a master at communication and teaching his clients the right words of the right times so that care happens for a lifetime not just a few weeks.

I think it’s incredible. What Russ has come up with when it comes to the challenges around asking for referrals! It can be scary, and somehow his wizardry takes away the fear and adds in a whole lot of confidence around asking people to believe in you, with eloquence and grace. Thank you Dr. Rosen for all that you do.

Jodi Dinnerman

Ginette St. Pierre

Ontario, Canada

"Dr. Rosen has really helped me introduce new techniques into my practice! Whatever questions I’ve got he has the answers to!"

David McCann

San Diego, California

"Wanted help integrating my TCD program (Detox) into my Chiropractic practice. It completely changed the way I think when I bring in new patients and talk with existing patients. By learning to ask the right questions it has helped me immensely!"

Joel Martenson

Kearney, Nebraska

"Almost everyone signs up for longterm care and 9/10 new patients are internal referrals."

Heidi Cooper

Dallas, Texas

"Dr. Rosen provides all of the tools for success in your practice, especially when it comes to root cause solutions and optimal health for a lifetime."

Michael Winters

Paducah, KY

"Our collections have doubled and we have had patients drive or fly from 21 states to receive care!"

Krista Finley

Kansas City, Missouri

He’s really taken the stress off our practice and I’m so much more comfortable talking about money."

This was a wonderful thank you note from a new grad who worked as an associate for one of my regular coaching clients. I had the privilege of working with him for several months before he decided to move away and therefore leave the clinic. I was deeply touched by his kind words and he was kind enough to allow me to share this with you. -Russ Rosen, D.C.

“I wanted to share some thoughts with you and to say thank you very much.

You have been a breath of fresh air and extremely inspiring. You will always be remembered, and when I look back one day and think about the beginning of my career, I know that you will come into my mind, and you have just given me such an amazing start.

Your enthusiasm for Chiropractic and just for life itself is really contagious! Also, for me to have a male role model who is as expressive as you are has made me feel very accepted, and it makes me excited to hopefully meet more Chiropractors who are like you one day!

I hope our paths cross again either by working with you, or at a conference somewhere.

I wish I could have experienced what your treatments were/are like, because I feel like you'd be able to see through my soul!

I truly wish you all the best, and here's to another amazing year ahead.”

Best wishes,
Jamie Franchini, United Kingdom

Phil Ricchiazzi

Los Feliz, California

"Almost everyone signs up for longterm care and 9/10 new patients are internal referrals."

Deniece Krebs

Fisherville, Kentucky

"I sold more TCD care packages ($8,000 each) in 9 days than I did in the previous 2 years!"

Angus Pyke

Melbourne, Australia

"I immediately found a heart-centered way to communicate - retention doubled, sign up rate improved, and I was able to raise my prices."

My experience working with Dr. Russ Rosen and the OHC System

After 37 years in practice I have found that the practice always functions at a higher level with a coach. I have had multiple coaches over the years and have learned from all of them, some more than others. After a few years I would master their system (in my opinion anyway) and would decide to go on my own for a while. Momentum would carry for a year or more then the downswing would start, and It is time to get coached again. I was looking for a coach when I ran across the Chiropractic Summit and Dr. Rosen. We connected and it was off to the races.


I knew I needed help with communications and systems and Dr. Rosen delivered. Of all the coaches I have had, his communications systems are the best. As a result, my Patient visits have increased, New patient sign up rate has improved dramatically, regularly getting family referrals and collections have increased dramatically as well. We run a cash practice, only exception is non- participating Medicare.


Patients are “getting it” much more with my better understanding of the communication process. Not that I did not know what to say, but how to say it so it gets through.


His systems will also help with staff training, business end of things, and marketing. 


I can honestly say that Dr. Russ’s communications is refreshingly different from any other coaching I have had and has probably made the biggest impact in the improvements made in my practice.


Having interviewed several coaches before deciding, you will find his fees to be reasonable and I believe of excellent value.


If you are new to practice, Dr. Russ can help you get off to a great start, You will have all the systems you need in place. If you have been at it a while, like myself, I have found the old stuff no longer works, It’s a new day and a new mindset, his system will overcome the barriers.


As a current update, Since the COVID 19 fiasco, April 2020 was a crash where I basically made overhead and payroll, May was at least profitable and by June we were back rolling at nearly 100%. That was not just by accident.


Miguel Cruz DC

The first 12 years I spent as a chiropractor various mentors and coaches told me what I needed to do to be successful. I never had a comfort level, never felt secure in my approach or success. I believe it was 2006 when I decided to take a chance on Dr. Rosen's coaching. He was the first coach, or mentor, to help me escape rigid scripts and business protocols. His scripts were adaptable to what I wanted to accomplish as a "low volume" AK practitioner. The show and tell aspect of what he taught me to incorporate in exams and treatments explodes most people's minds to their hidden potential. The result was I slowly developed into the chiropractor who is totally at ease in practice and telling "my" version of the chiropractic story to anyone anywhere. I'm not sure this would have happened without the scripts, help and encouragement of Dr. Rosen. If you need help finding your voice, I cannot recommend Dr. Rosen highly enough.

Patrick Dougherty

Spokane, Wa.

I was “raised” in the “patient scare” model of Chiropractic. I was a master at signing patients up for long periods of care so their spines wouldn’t degenerate any further. What I missed is that subluxation degeneration is such a small piece of the puzzle and that fear, in the long run, is not a healthy motivating factor. Through coaching with Dr. Russ I’ve learned to inspire my patients to have long term care because of the health and wellness benefits that it offers them.

Much Love & Gratitude,


Biddeford, Me.

I have to say that coaching with Dr. Rosen has been one of the single best decisions I have made in my life. In my belief that the interconnectedness of things are undeniable, all the positive changes that have occurred in my practice and my life stem from our work together. With your steady guiding hand you’ve allowed me to get the most from myself and, in turn, all others around me. Your coaching-style, mentoring and friendship have helped me want to be a better person, father, husband, son, chiropractor and friend.

Michael Acanfora, D.C.​

Bayonne, NJ

I've employed quite a few Chiropractic coaches over the past 25+ years.  Dr Rosen is the best, period!  He is not just knowledgeable and experienced.  He actually asks what you want, where you want to go.  Then, by use of Socratic method he gets you there!  It works for me because he calls me on my crap, but he does it so gently that it becomes me calling me on my own crap!  He really is quite phenomenal!

Dave Basista

San Jose, CA

Coaching and mentorships of any kind are extremely beneficial, especially in the early years of private practice. As I continued my education beyond chiropractic school, honed in on my most effective clinical methods, and sought out advanced therapies and techniques - the guidance of an experienced practice consultant helped me decide what roads were worth traveling to make the biggest impact on my clinical outcomes and the business side of practice management. 

We started working with Dr. Rosen at the very beginning of August 2019, and we’ve already seen a dramatic shift in both the clinical and business aspects of our practice.  While we’ve worked with other consultants in our five years of individual practice, we’ve never had a coach who knew and truly understood all the advanced methodologies (QNRT, QST, AK etc) we utilize in our practice until Dr. Rosen. And that has made a huge difference. Our patients are leaving with a better understanding of our advanced techniques, our staff is more effective and efficient and communicating better than ever, and I’m more confident in my abilities both as a doctor and a manager. The content we’ve gone over so far hasn’t been revolutionary, but focusing on the little things and making tweaks to pieces we’re already doing is giving us great results, and we look forward to our calls every week. 

With our previous practice coach, we got to a point in our relationship where we outgrew it. I appreciate that Dr. Rosen doesn’t have long term contracts and if we feel the need to move in a different direction, that he’s willing to let us pursue that. He truly has our best interests as the priority and while he has tried and true methods as core coaching curriculum, everything’s still completely individualized to our meet our needs. He’s added tremendous value to our clinic in a short amount of time. Between our early successes along with his track record of helping practitioners like me build waiting list practices gives me every confidence that this will be a long and successful partnership.

Joel Martenson

Kearney Nebraska

My husband and I are both Chiropractors and own a multi-disciplinary clinic that offers Chiropractic, Nutrition, Acupuncture and QNRT. Our office wasn't "symptomatic" (or so we thought), but it wasn't "thriving".  We had never hired a coach before but after our office manager and I watched some of Dr. Rosen's videos, we realized we needed some help.  

We started coaching with Dr. Russ less than a month ago.  So far, it has been one of the best decisions for our staff, practitioners and clinic.  The systems and procedures that Dr. Rosen has put together for (any style of) Chiropractic office is amazing. He is very respectful of our style of practice and is helping us make it stronger (not trying to change it into something it's not.)  

One of the many things we appreciate about Dr. Rosen is his constant communication via zoom calls, conference calls and emails.  His accessibility and quick responses have helped us tremendously.  I also appreciate his ability to "diagnose" the problem and help us implement a system to improve it. (He has a system for everything and it's super organized!)  

Lastly, one of the main reasons we chose to work with Dr. Rosen is because he understood all of the services in our office (especially QNRT.)  He is helping us educate our patients in a way they "get it" and understand how emotional, mental, physical and spiritual stress could be causing their subluxation.  

Thanks Dr. Rosen!  We look forward to our staff, practitioners and patients "thriving" in our office once again with your help!

Drs. Jarrod and Melissa Brennan

Rochester, Mn

This is now several months later, it is now June of 2020, things are coming back online post COVID initial shut down. Here is what Chelsea their office manager wanted to add… Although we took an initial dip with stats - our graphs show a steady upward trend since April. As Melissa mentions when most people are shutting down or staying shut down we have been able to get back to a normal level of production. We just had a 19 new patient week - the last time we had that many new patients was July of 2019. Marketing suggestions have been really helpful with us reaching our patients. We have gotten out there to our database via social media, emails and postcards. Socractic questions have been a game changer in many aspects of working with patients, staff, and potential patients. Handling staff and their concerns has improved as well - system wise it has made this process much easier for everyone. 


In Health, 


Chelsea Mickelson

Office Manager

I’ll be honest - I had to talk Joel into working with Dr. Rosen when the opportunity first became available. After our previous experience with a practice coach, he saw little benefit in getting back into paid mentorship. I signed up for Dr. Rosen’s Optimal Health Summit Webinar series last fall and watched all the videos. And all I could think while I was watching them was…this guy gets it! He understands not just our “why” but also our techniques and how to to get patients to understand their value. So I signed us up as soon as I could and convinced him later after our first consultation. I figured even if Joel didn’t get anything out of the clinical management end of things, with his experience and relationships with the docs in the videos I watched, I felt like Dr Rosen would be able to help me on the business end of things. I don’t have a formal business degree, and while I have small business management experience, there are some areas I felt like if we were going to continue to grow, I needed to keep looking for good outside resources. 

I’ve truly appreciated the opportunity to work with Dr. Rosen these last three months. A cookie cutter protocol for success in the chiropractic field was not going to help us keep building this movement in our state and everything Rosen has had us do so far has been 100% applicable to our practice. The operating system implementation has improved staff communication and management and given us the confidence to upgrade our EMR software. And knowing that he’s an email away if I get into a tough situation or need a resource has saved me a lot of anxiety, sleepless nights, and frantic searches. I’ve also seen the positive changes in Joel’s interactions with patients and staff. He’s always been very good about speaking to patients in easy to understand ways, but working with Dr. Rosen has given him more confidence in explaining our advanced techniques (QNRT, QST, PEMF etc) to patients and make little changes that make patients feel at ease with both their care and their treatment plans which ultimately has produced higher patient retention, treatment plan compliance, and income. I feel like we’re just scratching the surface of our potential and that’s an awesome feeling, especially knowing that we have a strong ally to help us continue grow and expand our practice. 

Lynsey Martenson

Clinic Business Director

Dr. Rosen has played such an integral part in turning my office around, I cannot say enough good things about this guy.  Not only did he introduce me to the current techniques that I’m providing in my office (including QNRT), but he has coached me on how to seamlessly integrate them into a fairly traditional office.  

He not only helps me implement and learn the techniques, but his way of providing the correct communication to patients is fantastic!!  Of course, I always know what I want to say, but it doesn’t always come across to patients with the same understanding.  He makes it seem and sound so effortless.  He is THE master at communication!!

I credit two things for turning my practice around, and making it so that I now love going into work every day.  Number one is QNRT, and number two is having Dr. Rosen as my mentor (in no specific order).  

If you are struggling in your office, or have changed techniques, or are thinking about doing so yet may be a little apprehensive because of existing procedures and/or communication, please add Dr. Rosen to your team.  You will never regret doing so.  I cannot say enough about Dr. Rosen, both as a coach, and as a human being.  He’s as much a life coach, as he is a chiropractic or healthcare mentor.  Thank you Dr. R!!

Lindsey Hattersley

Working with Dr. Russ supports me to grow my business to new levels.  He has been able to help me communicate what I do to patients in a very specific way to my style of practice. That is the key word, "my style". Dr. Russ gives you a template to work on, but helps you adapt everything he teaches to your specific needs and style. Everything is personalized.  He has also helped with running a business from helping me better train and hire staff, creating training manuals and procedures to make the clinic run more smoothly and efficiently. Dr. Russ has helped me see more of my value in myself, which has increased my bottom line. Having someone on my team to grow personally and professionally lets me live my authentic life and better serve my patients.  

Dr. Ginette St.Pierre

Chiropractor, Ontario Canada

I was interested in what Dr. Rosen had to say simply because he was involved with QN and I was hooked once he had started to discuss the neurology of communication – that has always been one of my weak points in practice.

Even though I was more confident in practice and getting great results with people, I was starting to get really frustrated because I wasn’t able to keep many patients past short term relief care. That really bothered me because I had a lot of patients who had problems that I believe could be improved with care, but when I would discuss it with my patients, many of them seemed convinced that chiropractic was only good for neck and back pain.  

Dr. Rosen has helped me come to better understanding of how to communicate the goals of care and what and how we are using QN to strengthen and expand their nervous system to improve their health.  

It really helps that he has been through the program and actually knows what he is talking about when it comes to trying to explain the concepts and he uses this knowledge to really tailor his coaching and QN to my practice. 

Now, rather than most patients stopping care when they feel better, I have patients flat out saying to me stuff like “so…it sounds like it would be a good idea to come in to get checked even when I feel good, you know to make sure my spine and nervous system are working right?”

That’s a great feeling for me.  I’ve heard other docs talk about having a true wellness practice and their patients really “getting it,” but I’ve never experienced it.  Like I said, not there yet but well on the way and practice is starting to be fun again.  

Long story short, Love QN.  Love Rosen’s coaching. Put them together and even better things happen!  

-Dr. Ray, QN Specialist

My name is Tim Garcia, I am a chiropractor in California. I have been a TCD practitioner for about one month, or so, when Dr. Russ Rosen graciously offered his coaching services for a group of the TCD practitioners. The coaching was offered to me and I was hesitant at first because I have had coaching before, and I was satisfied with what my office was producing. My interest was now in adding the TCD component to my practice.

After thinking about what I might learn and to add another dimension and perspective to my life and practice, I decided to join Dr. Rosen. The coaching system and technique that Dr. Rosen utilizes with his clients is unique and comprehensive. He also engages with us personally, his personal touch in group sessions. To me this was very valuable. His depth of research and knowledge of communication is enriching in not only your practice life, but also in your personal life.

To get clarity of what you are about and the direction you want to pursue, Dr. Rosen facilitates the process. There are no scripts but concepts in his coaching. He gives you what you can use for your situation. I recommend his coaching to anybody who needs or desires a coach to help with professional growth. Thank you Dr. Rosen.

Tim Garcia, D.C.

I’ve enjoyed the course. I like the way it is laid out with each lesson building on the last taking us through the lifecycle of a client. It has reinforced a lot of tenants I already use in my practice as a naturopath, health and nutrition coach, and personal trainer. The course also put additional structure around communicating with clients and prospects increasing my efficiency and effectiveness to support these clients and incorporate programs such as True Cellular Detox. I believe it’s valuable and fitting for any practitioner wanting to grow their practice and incorporate programs and packages with the client’s well-being in mind and not sounding “salesy”.

Bruce Cooper, N.D.

Dr. Andre Camelli

"Thank you for helping me transform my practice to one I we are absolutely in love with! We are waitlisted, zero advertising, 100% referral-based practice, nearly 100% sign up rate, we used to collect $15 - $24 per visit and currently averaging $95 per visit!"

Dr. Angus Pyke

Dr. Ray Alexander after coaching with us for just a few months

"In the past I was afraid to tell patients what they needed.

Dr. Rosen taught me how to make it their idea and they want it.

If you need a coach, Russ Rosen is the man."

Dr. Michael Winters

Doctor, if your pastor or spiritual advisor comes to you — would you have to change anything in your first visit or report of findings and case presentation — would you need to change what you say or more importantly how you say it? If you would – you need to study Dr. Russ Rosen’s material. With his material you could confidently present long term wellness care with integrity and comfort to your pastor and anyone else in your community. (I am not talking about donating the care either.) Dr. Rosen and his teachings are first class.

Michelle Neilson

Barcelona, Spain

"I have traveled all around the world going to seminars trying to patch it all together myself. Russ’s program gives you everything you could possibly need in one place with all of the protocols, scripts, mindset, staff, everything you could possibly need for a wellness practice."

Dr. Anthea Holder

Theo Koenen

Lisbon, Portugal

"I was overwhelmed with all of the materials yet also very excited what it could do with my practice. I jumped in on a call with Dr. Rosen, it was an amazing experience, he reignited my passion and made it all real and easy for me."

Dr. Nathan Jenner and myself have been coaching with Russ Rosen for over a year now and one of the best tools we have found has been his series of talks and workshops. The talks are engaging and Russ’s tools to get them up and running are AMAZINGLY detailed. Thanks Russ for helping us grow our practice with these talks and helping us implement them so we can better reach our mission for a healthier happier community!

Dr. Anthea Holder

Toby Colliver

Cobham, England

"Coaching with Dr. Angie my numbers are up, takings have improved, hours have reduced, work life balance is so much better than it used to be. Helped with confidence, clarity, certainty, what chiropractic is about, how to get message across and putting us back in the forefront of the wellness revolution."

Matthew Griffith

Hunting Beach, California

"Why scrape from the bottom when you can learn from the best. Within 2 years we have taken a failing practice to collections over ¾ of a million dollars. He maximized my personality traits, my ability to communicate with my patients, installed systems in my practice which got my staff to grow the practice."

We’ve Done Some Great Things Together.

Each of the stories on this page comes from a passionate practitioner who was ready for change and willing to take the steps necessary to build a solid foundation and a bright future.

Michael Ennis

Houston, Texas

"I always had a problem with other coaches who did not really get a true wellness practice. Dr. Rosen is one of the only guys I have met who actually walks that talk of true wellness! It is uncanny how he knows what I need to hear!"

Danny Constable

Frankfurt Germany

"We have doubled patient numbers and results have stayed the same or gotten better! Stick with the program, make it your own, make it appropriate for you and how you practice, and you too will get results!"

Amanda Rammel

"I needed better more effective way to educate my patients on Chiropractic, Health and Wellness. Since working with Dr. Rosen more and more patients are choosing health and wellness care. Even if they just wanted pain relief. I notice they end up coming back and eventually signing up for health and wellness care. I highly recommend coaching with Dr. Rosen."

Greg Venning

Glasglow, Scotland

"I wanted a lifelong wellness practice vs. pain based. In the past I have worked with other coaches but didn’t really see the immediate benefits in my practice. As soon as started working with Dr. Angie I saw immediate difference and results! After 9 months of coaching I feel happier in my practice, spending less time in practice, less worry out of hours, pay has doubled, am a lot clearer on concepts like health care and chiropractic and much more. Commit to the process and jump in with both feet!"

Brock McCurdy

Barcelona, Spain

"Been using this system for 9 months and love the Care vs. Scare model. This process has really helped my Team to work together to grow the practice and has taken a lot of stress off of my shoulders. It is now rare that someone does not want to bring in their family after visit 1 and 2 which is very different from before. In 5 months we went from 35 per day to 60 per day. Things are now solid and congruent!"

Dr. Rosen’s DISC Behavioral Style teleconference is fabulous, very fun, and interactive. It has helped me to understand the differences in each category of behavior so that I can better relate, connect, and communicate to others in my practice and in my life. By understanding the other docs and CA’s behavioral styles and listening to their responses, it became more real. The feedback from Dr. Rosen and the group really made the information very practical. I definitely have more of an understanding and awareness as to how to communicate more effectively. Thanks, Russ.

Dr. Lori Krauss , D.C.

Erin Purdle

Barcelona, Spain

"In 6 months we improved my PVA from 23 to 41. The reason is we able to explain the benefits of long term care to our patients."

Matt Deegan


"Yesterday on 5 re-exams I booked a total of 120 new patient visits! All the stress has gone out of my practice! See what they have to offer. It is totally different!"

I was “raised” in the “patient scare” model of Chiropractic. I was a master at signing patients up for long periods of care so their spines wouldn’t degenerate any further. What I missed is that subluxation degeneration is such a small piece of the puzzle and that fear, in the long run, is not a healthy motivating factor. Now, I’m learning to inspire my patients to have long term care because of the health and wellness benefits that it offers them.

Dr. Ellie Rolnick, D.C.

Emily Tresize


"Dr. Rosen has given me such guidance, clarity, confidence and inspiration! He knows what you are going through and knows how to help you! My certainty, philosophy, purpose, right down to daily interactions has had an overhaul and the results are there to prove it. Russ’s guidance will be an investment in your future."

Dr. Ange Wellman

"My confession, “I am addicted to programs”. This all changed by doing this program. It is the first program that really makes sense and doesn’t give me that “Ick” feeling. These guys really care and want to support us. The value of this program is amazing!"

Dr. Nathan Jenner and myself have been coaching with Russ Rosen for over a year now and one of the best tools we have found has been his series of talks and workshops. We run the Fast Track to Health talk each week for the new patients that have begun care. The patients LOVE the information and when they bring their partners with them, those partners will undoubtedly book in as new patients after the talk. The talks are engaging and Russ’s tools to get them up and running are AMAZINGLY detailed. You need nothing else apart from his material and the time to listen and implement them. But the time is very much worth it.

We also run stress and wellness talks in local business’s and patients sporting and community groups. We use Russ’s how to open and close empowerment series with each workshop we hold. Due to the simplicity of the presentation and the use of the stories it certainly leads to many new patients seeing the benefit of chiropractic care for their health and wellness.

Thanks Russ for helping us grow our practice with these talks and helping us implement them so we can better reach our mission for a healthier happier community!

Dr. Anthea Holder

I know I’m preaching to the choir here but I just have to say that the information that I am gorging myself on (I mean that in a complimentary way Russ Rosen) is absolutely amazing. I’ve been in practice 36 years and have never heard such honest, caring, instructional information in all my career. I have been through 4 management groups and it has always been scare tactics and that patients are ignorant of what to do. The psychology of what to say, how to say it and why we say it is all spelled out and makes so much sense. It struck me when I heard you say we need to honor our patients and respect their decisions. Those are some of the kindest words I have ever heard a chiropractic teacher (not management consultant ) say. Just like what we want the patient to think, “It makes so much sense.” I’ve got about 20 hours of this over the last week. Playing, stopping, writing notes replaying. I do feel like the patient who finally gets it. I’ve always believed in the principles of chiropractic and known the philosophy well, being a Life grad. But why wasn’t it working for me? I educated (talked) too much, told them too much, didn’t ask the right questions or enough questions or was never consistent enough. It was what I was told to say in my scripts. I said the words and didn’t believe them. I see now their reptilian brain wasn’t buying it, or that I was nice enough ,but once they were better they were gone. Didn’t give them a way out. Didn’t allow them to save face.

So I said all that to say Mahalo, Russ. I FINALLY have the right tools and am in the process of learning to use them. I have hope and am excited for my future.

For those of you who may have started but slacked off, get back in there.


Alan Ludwig

“I have to say that coaching with Dr. Rosen has been one of the single best decisions I have made in my life. In my belief that the interconnectedness of things are undeniable, all the positive changes that have occurred in my practice and my life stem from our work together. With your steady guiding hand you’ve allowed me to get the most from myself and, in turn, all others around me. Your coaching-style, mentoring and friendship have helped me want to be a better person, father, husband, son, chiropractor and friend.”

~ Michael Acanfora, D.C. Bayonne, NJ

“Russ’s communication system REVOLUTIONISED the way I interact with my patients. I no longer felt any need to have to push or feel like a salesman. I was better able to find out what my patients wanted and effortless enroll them in care. I had a heart centred tool kit to address problems, concerns and show my patients a bigger and brighter future. My conversion to care is now consistently over 85%, my internal referrals doubled, and retention went from 65 to 115. But…for me, more important than any of those numbers was the enjoyment that I started to experience in practice after implementing Russ’s systems.”

~ Angus Pyke, D.C. Port Melbourne, Australia

“In my mind I always understood and had a passion about the healing principles of Chiropractic but struggled to find a clear and concise way to express these ideas to my practice members. My ideal practice of subluxation based family wellness was always a dream. In only just a few months working with Dr. Rosen I am living my dream.

My collections are up over 27%, my PVA has increased by 20 visits, and we are serving more people than we could have ever imagined a year ago. December and January are usually slower months but this year we are having so many referrals that there is a three week wait for all new practice members.

The only thing I have changed in the last year is the way I communicate Chiropractic using Dr. Rosen’s system. Practice members now truly understand the potential of Chiropractic, wanting more of what I have to offer and referring to the office. It is amazing how simple it was to do and how much easier and more fun being a Chiropractor has become. Thanks Dr. Rosen!”

~ Kris Arnold, D.C. Bedford, PA


I just wanted to share with you a win that happened this AM. Last week we had a NP that called with HA since grade school (30 years). $ was a big factor for her. I put together 2 plans, she chose the lesser of the 2 and is paying $800 up front for her care for the next 3 months. Before, these patients may have come in for 3-5 visits and then we never heard from them again. The little changes and tweaks that you have helped me make have made a big difference in the practice. Not just $ and patient numbers, but I am having fun again communicating the truth to my patients (not that I was lying before). The “hounding” is gone and I am starting to take back the asylum from the inmates.

Thanks for all of your help and guidance. Shawn

PS. The NP headaches disappeared after her 2nd adjustment, before the lump payment was made.”

~ Shawn Kapper, D.C. Dover, OH

“Dr. Rosen’s program helped us transform our practice. When I started the program, we averaged $15-$25 per visit. Within 6 months we were at $95/visit. I used to give away visit 1 and 2. We are now $250-$500/visit and we are waitlisted! We are 100% internal referrals, 0 advertising. We have nearly a 100% sign up rate and our PVA went from very low to over 80. Thank you Dr. Rosen! 0 advertising, not in phone book, 100% internal referrals!”

~ Andre J. Camelli, D.C. Corfland, OH

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